Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Mozart: La Petite Musique de Nuit, Etc

"Concerto K�ln has a distinctive timbre and never-flagging excitement that are sometimes referred to as the 'Cologne sound'. These are qualities found in abundance in this recital. The ferocious account of the first work on the disc, the "Magic Flute" Overture, has the impact of an electric storm, which, with "Les Petits riens"; clears to brilliant pastoral sunlight . . . the joyous, roistering performances here should earn it many new admirers . . . Concerto K�ln's wind players are among the best in the world and they keep their sometimes truculent instruments immaculately." --International Record Review (London), September 2006

... Concerto K�ln conjuga todo el espectro de colores mozartianos con cristalina serenidad. ... las versiones aqu� recogidas ... llevan a los instrumentos hist�ricos al l�mite m�s �ptimo de sus posibilidades, sin incurrir en tempos r�gidos ni sonoridades metalizadas. --Record Review / Mel�mano (Madrid) / 01. June 2006

. . . haciendo interesantes y divertidas, vitales, intensas, las breves piezas que Mozart cre� para un ballet (Les Petit Riens) parisino. Un disco que es una sucesi�n de sorpresas, ant�doto contra las integrales y una forma diferente de interpretar a Mozart. La m�s adecuada, quiz�s, para el final de este a�o mozartiano. --Record Review / Ignacio Sanju�n, Audiocl�sica (Madrid) / 01. November 2006

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