Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Giuseppe Sammartini: Concertos & Overtures

During his own lifetime, Sammartini was considered to be one of the most talented composers of his generation. John Hawkins wrote in 1776: �His singularities can only be ascribed to that boldness and self-possession which are ever the concomitants of genius.�

He ranked Sammartini�s concertos and overtures at the same level as those of Arcangelo Corelli and Francesco Geminiani � and even held them in higher esteem than Georg Frideric Handel�s. Yet, through an inexplicable twist of history, Sammartini has remained an unknown quantity for the general public.

Les Muffatti have made a careful selection from among the plethora of Sammartini�s masterworks in order to fully reflect their quality. They hope that this world-premi�re recording of works in Sammartini�s widely varying styles can do justice to this genius, and share the ensemble�s enthusiasm for this unjustly underrated composer.

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